Dr. Ira Braunschweig – Chief Medical Advisor

Dr. Braunschweig started the Stem Cell Transplant Program and obtained FACT accreditation for Autologous, Allogeneic Matched Related, Allogeneic Matched Unrelated and Haploidentical Transplants at Montefiore Medical Center. Started the Cell Therapy Program (CART therapy) at Montefiore Medical Center and obtained “center of excellence” designation for CD19 CART therapy. Recipient of a 2 million dollar grant… Continue reading Dr. Ira Braunschweig – Chief Medical Advisor

Kamal Mahajan – Chief Technology Officer

Chief Technology Officer – Lead Designer. Professor Mahajan holds the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO), providing creative technology inspiration, product design, and final manufacturing oversight and control. For more than three decades, Mahajan has built a leading reputation in system design for the medical sector and healthcare related applications. Including but not limited to,… Continue reading Kamal Mahajan – Chief Technology Officer

Rachel Dombrowsky – Founder & Chairman of the Board

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