The Solution:
FLOORx™ — a revolutionary UV-C and FAR-UV foot disinfection station developed by a team of healthcare innovators. Leveraging the power of UVC and FAR-UV Light Sources, this system is engineered to eliminate over 99.99% of potentially harmful microbes in 10 seconds. Utilizing specifically designed market leading Light Source technology, uv-FlooRx produces unparalleled efficiency in bacterial elimination compared to other technologies.
The short-wavelength UV light generated by FLOORx™ penetrates the cellular RNA and DNA of microbes, causing damage that prevents them from infecting and reproducing. In the face of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, UVC and FAR-UV light sources emerge as a formidable defense with no natural resistance.
Key Features:
- Cutting-Edge Technology: FLOORx™ employs the latest UV-C and FAR-UV Light Source technology for swift and efficient bacterial elimination.
- Proprietary Light Sources: Market-leading Light Sources ensure superior performance, setting FLOORx™ apart from the competition.
- Scalable Operating System: A state-of-the-art operating system allows for customization for compliance and overall usage, offering real time insights through data management integrations.